
HOA Board of Directors

The HOA Board of Directors [Board] works closely with, and relies heavily upon, its committees.   Like the Board, these committees are made up of unpaid volunteers who serve in the interest of The Springs community.  Each committee chooses its own officers and establishes the appropriate size for its membership.  One member of the Board serves as liaison to each committee but generally does not serve as the committee chair.  Each committee has a budget, determined annually by the Board.  Committees conduct their own business, advise the Board on issues in their area of responsibility, and consult with other property owners on policies and procedures.

Email the Board of Directors

2024 – 2025 HOA Board of Directors:
President: Steve Barnhart
Vice President: Steve Vogel
Secretary: Mark Elvin
Treasurer: Debbie Bethune
Director: Open


The following committees are actively recruiting volunteers to help our neighborhood. If you would like to volunteer for a committee, please contact the committee. If you have any trouble using this page, please contact our web committee.

Bold – indicates Committee Chairperson
Italics – indicates Board liaise to the Committee
Bold italics – indicates both Chair and Board Liaise

Architectural Review Committee (ARC)

In order to control design and location of the houses and other improvements to be constructed, erected, placed, or installed (hereinafter “improvements”) upon the lots in the Subdivision, the Declarant hereby creates and Architectural Review Committee (hereinafter “Committee”) for the purpose of reviewing, approving, suggesting changes to, and rejecting plans and specifications for such improvements (regardless of when such Improvements are made), and the landscaping of each lot.

This committee is also created for the purpose of reviewing, approving, suggesting changes to, and rejecting swimming pools, outbuildings, boat houses, ramps, piers, driveways, enclosures for satellite dishes, and if Declarant so desires, for mailbox design. This committee will be responsible for the control of size, color, materials, and content of rental and sales signs in this subdivision, and for the approval or disapproval of boats, boat trailers, house trailers, motor homes, tractor-trailer trucks, or any other such vehicle, that are kept or maintained or located upon any lot unless located within enclosed garages. The committee will also be responsible for the control of temporary construction shelters of vehicles in the subdivision.  The ARC meets the 2nd Thursday of each month at 5 pm.

Please select the Document Downloads menu item for ARC Requirements, ARC Construction Approval Forms, Home Addition Renovation Approval Form, and Real Estate and Open House Guidelines.

Additional information is available on this website under the ARC menu item.

Email the ARC Committee

Members: Tom Shepler, Ken Hamrick, Robert Leon, Josh Nyberg, Fred Spin, Steve Vogel

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee of The Springs at High Rock HOA was formed to assist the HOA Board of Directors and specifically the treasurer of the board with the management of financially related matters. The Finance Committee members will be called upon for opinions, advice, and assistance with asset, debt, and money issues of the HOA. The members, especially the chair of the committee, will at times be called upon to fill in for some of the treasurer’s duties whenever needed or in the absence of the treasurer. The committee will give and receive assistance to the property management company, The Springs’ board, and treasurer while maintaining the confidentiality of any personal information of property owners.

Email the Finance Committee

Members: Debbie Bethune, Alan Hoppensteadt, Dan Jensen, Steve Vogel

Fire Safety Committee

The formerly known as Firewise Committee is inactive as of 1/30/2025. 

The Firewise Committee worked historically with Firewise USA® and The North Carolina Wildfire Mitigation Program to reduce our exposure to a wildfire catastrophe through education, fuels removal, and evacuation protocols. These resources are in need of review and updating. If you are interested in reactivating this committee and getting involved, please contact the HOA Board. 

Email the HOA Board

Members: Open, Jerry Bushey, Larry Scott, Steve Vogel

Infrastructure and Roads Committee (IRC)

The IRC will inspect, evaluate, and continually monitor all community assets to ensure they are properly maintained and their value to our community preserved. These assets include, but are not limited to the following: all roads, ponds, drainage systems, buildings, dams, lighting, bridges, docks, storage, and parking areas.

Boat Storage: To store your watercraft and trailer in our storage area, you must register and get decals for them by downloading the Application for Boat/Watercraft/Trailer Decal form from the Document Downloads page of our website. Complete the application and return it as directed on the form.

To report a problem with a streetlight, please email the IRC with the number of the light (which can be found on its pole) and the problem: (1) lit all the time, (2) never lit (burned out), or (3) overheating (cycling on and off).

Email the Infrastructure and Roads Committee

Members: Steve Barnhart, Scott Fry, Jim Johnson, Jim Kelley, Josh Nyberg

Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee is one of two committees that is required by our covenants and bylaws. The committee shall consist of a chairperson who is a current HOA director and two or more members of the Association. Our bylaws require the committee to certify that candidates for directorship be in good standing, and if there are too many applicants, to limit the number as the committee sees fit.

From time to time, different HOA Boards of Directors have asked the committee to also help in recruiting members for committees and/or open seats on the Board of Directors. Nominating Committee members also assist at the community’s annual meeting by gathering and counting proxies and conducting the voting at the meeting.

Email the Nominating Committee

Members: Steve Vogel, Mike Shoaf, Larry Watson

Recreational Facilities Committee (RFC)

The Recreational Facilities Committee was established to provide assistance and suggestions to The Springs HOA Board concerning the use and oversight of all public recreational areas throughout The Springs community. The goal is to establish and monitor rules that ensure equitable, appropriate, and safe enjoyment of the facilities by all entitled homeowners. At the same time, the regulations must also aim to preserve the integrity and extended usage of the facilities.

Email the Recreational Facilities Committee

Members: Ed Hancock, Liz Roland, Alex Roland, Al Hoppensteadt, Lynne Alves, Tim Simpson, Mark Elvin

Security Team

Neighborhood Watch

The Springs at High Rock  Security Committee is responsible for developing, implementing and monitoring the security plan for the community. The plan is intended to prevent unauthorized entry into the community and manage the access of the facilities as well as to implement a neighborhood watch program that partners law enforcement and community members working together to keep the neighborhood safe.

Your committee wishes to remind everybody that if you see something suspicious, please call the Sheriff’s Department at 336-249-0131 or 911 for a quicker response.

Additional information is available on this website under the Security menu item.

Email the Security Team

Members: Brenda Spin, Brandon Bean, Karen Beard, Mark Busto, Chris Ellenburg (technical advisor), Mike James, Ronnie Kruger, Robert Leon, Vivian Leon, Aaron Mills, Gary Moore, Sean Parker, Suzana Silva, Mark Elvin

Neighborhood Watch: Neighborhood Watch Block TEXT Captains: Tim Banks, Rebecca Ellenburg, Carol Lonsway, Dub McGee,  Heather Reynolds, Lynn Shepler, Steve Shoaf, Robert Smedley, Stephanie Smedley, Sylvia Smith, Fred Spin, Robin Thomas, Jennifer Vogel, Bethany Wheeler.

Social Committee

The Social Committee welcomes newcomers into The Springs family by providing information, hospitality and contact support. It coordinates several seasonal events giving the community the opportunity to participate in social interaction.

The committee presents new residents with a gift basket which includes treats, area maps, our Community Watch pamphlet and other local information.

Some events the committee hosts during the year: spring cookout and pool opening,  July barbecue, fall cookout, and a holiday celebration.

Email the Social Committee

Members: Kimberly Leccia, Bryan Roark, Angie Demeree, Angela Pray, Penni Hancock, Ed Hancock, Angie Robusto, Jenna Parker, Mark Elvin

Springs Beautification Group (SBG)

The SBG will serve to enhance the natural beauty of Cascade Creek, Tranquility Lakes, The Springs’ entrance, the front gate and the HOA clubhouse.   This will include the monitoring of the need for pruning and fertilizing throughout the community and the planting of annuals or perennials.  It will also provide leadership for the development of the Cascade Creek park area.

Email the Springs Beautification Group

Members: Sally Barnhart, Ali Bachand, Steve Barnhart, Dan Field, Cindy Pflumm, Cindy Shoaf, Robin Thomas

Communications Committee

Radio Tower

The Communications Committee keeps the website updated and sends out newsletters for the HOA Board of Directors. By working directly with the board, they keep residents updated on all new Springs’ guidelines, community news and upcoming events and activities.

Email the Web Committee and HOA Communications

Members: Jennifer Vogel & Becky Ellenburg, Suzana Silva, Steve Vogel